Breastfeeding is a skill that requires time to master. Many new parents find themselves surprised by its complexity. I offer expert, compassionate, and evidence-based support, which can significantly impact your breastfeeding experience.
What is an IBCLC?
An IBCLC is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, the highest professional qualification in breastfeeding knowledge and support. To achieve this qualification I had to complete over 90 hours of study and over 1000 hours providing lactation support, followed by a rigorous 4 hour examination. The qualification is recognised all over the world and all IBCLCs must adhere to a code of conduct and professional standards, along with completing a revalidation process every 5 years, whereby we must demonstrate continued study and practice hours. This ensures that all practicing IBCLCs are staying up to date and informed in the latest research evidence, in order to continue providing the highest standards of care.
Individualised, Nurturing, Empowering
Just a few examples of what I can support you with
- Antenatal preparation for feeding
- Antenatal colostrum collection
- Hand expressing
- Getting breastfeeding off to the best start
- Learning how to position and attach your new baby
- Different positions to suit different needs
- What to do if your baby is not attaching
- Overcoming painful breastfeeding
- How to maximise your milk supply
- How to support your preterm infant to breastfeed
- Weight loss concerns
- How to use a pump/ which type of pump may be best suited to your particular needs
- Managing under supply
- Managing over supply
- Re-lactation
- Exploring if your baby may be struggling with allergies or intolerances
- I have a specialist interest in supporting parents of babies with Down Syndrome
- How to offer bottles of expressed or formula using the paced bottle feeding method
- How to manage combination feeding
- How to prepare for returning to work
- Breastfeeding twins
- How to night wean
- How to wean from breastfeeding your baby or child
- Introducing solids
- Management and prevention of mastitis
- Management and prevention of thrush
These are just some examples of areas that I can support you with. Please do reach out with any challenges you may be having so that I can offer you individualised, nurturing and empowering feeding support.